Stay Ahead In The Competitive Business Arena
Our Comprehensive Competitor Cross-Reference Services
Accurate and detailed information about market products is crucial for displaying relevant products to your customers at the right price. Whether you’re an industrial products manufacturer or distributor, our cross-referencing service will assist you in winning RFPs and bids.
Without such services, your sales team may provide unclear competitor details, incorrect pricing, and overlook essential information, leading to the loss of valuable bids. With our services, your sales team can promptly respond to bids without compromising on quality.
At NINERED, we analyze and cross-reference your products with competitor sites, providing a detailed analysis along with recommendations for adding/modifying content on your site. We categorize products into exact matches and close matches based on provided specifications. Our grading system allows you to understand the average percentage of selection options available for your customers.

Gain valuable insights from competitor analysis to enhance your sales efforts. We deliver this essential information in the form of datasheets and detailed audit reports, enabling you to make informed decisions for your business before submitting RFPs.

With NINERED’s Retail Product Cross Reference service, your retail business can:

  • Identify the percentage of sale achievable in specific bids.
  • Stay updated on product availability and stock updates.
  • Gain market insights on pricing and product categories of your competitors.
Our Competitor Cross Reference offerings include
Our competitor cross-reference service combines automation and manual support to ensure data accuracy and efficiency of up to 99.9%. Moreover, we deliver quick results for your RFQ (Request for Quotation) requirements within 24-48 hours.

Our Cross-Referencing Approach:

  1. Product specifications/descriptions:NINERED enables you to optimize your product specifications and descriptions by considering minute details related to your competitors. The detailed report helps display relevant and important product specifications that capture your customers’ attention.
  2. Competitor pricing/offers/discounts: Research shows that 41% of B2B businesses consider competitor research as the most useful approach to design their pricing strategy. NINERED’s approach to monitoring competitive prices helps determine the right pricing for your products and increases profit margins.
  3. Missing images, model/serial numbers, manufacturer specifications: NINERED ensures data accuracy by handling crucial information that is often missed due to large volumes of product information. This includes missing images, serial numbers, manufacturer details, and more.


  1. Alternate product suggestions:Our team groups cross-references into distinct categories to provide alternate product suggestions for cross-selling, up-selling, and upgrade/downgrade recommendations.
Outsource Competitor Cross Reference for a Boost in Sales
To outshine your competitors, it is crucial to have comprehensive knowledge about their performance. NINERED acts as your reliable partner, facilitating this process. Outsourcing critical operations such as cross-referencing services to us provides a comprehensive market overview, allowing you to strategize and submit winning bids. Our optimized algorithms ensure you receive all the relevant analysis and data, including competitive product descriptions, prices, discounts, and images suitable for your business.

If you’re looking for affordable competitor cross-referencing services, contact us now!

FAQ - Question and Answer

What is Ecommerce cross-referencing

Ecommerce cross-referencing is a service that enhances the searchability of your products or services on your ecommerce platform. It involves categorizing your products to align with competitor product names or part numbers, making it easier for customers to find you when searching for a specific brand.

Why is cross-referencing important for ecommerce sellers?

To excel as a seller on ecommerce platforms, it’s crucial to outperform your competitors. Optimizing your product’s search results and data is one way to achieve this. When buyers encounter unsatisfactory search results, they are likely to leave your website. Cross-referencing services help prevent the loss of valuable bids and increase your chances of winning RFPs (Request for Proposal).

What are the benefits of outsourcing cross-referencing services?

Outsourcing cross-referencing services allows you to gain an expert perspective on your current methods. Dedicated third-party teams focus solely on improving this aspect of your website, boosting your sales efforts. They provide detailed analyses of your competitors’ sites, enabling you to make informed decisions while maintaining the quality of your content.

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